Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Week 4: Colors

This is our last week of colors.  Transportation begins next week. On Tuesday, we did a sensory activity with vinegar and baking soda . The kids mixed frozen vinegar and baking soda to make fizzing bubbles.  They really played with their wisks, bowls, and spoons for a while.  The cubes were dyed pink with some colorful beads in the ice cubes for the kids to discover.

On Wednesday, we did a group science experiment with Jello powder.  We looked at the powder, tried, to decide its color as a group, and then I added water to reveal that it was orange.  Everyone got turns stirring the bowl.  Then everyone got a turn to decide with color of dye to mix into the bowl and got to mix it.

On both days, we did a special "Treasure Hunt" in the back yard with a special map to lead the way.  We had to find "mail" with the colors of the rainbow, which led us to our bags with gold at the end.

Then we did learning centers, weather, and singing time as usual.  We are excited to start the Fall Semester next week.
The group experiment of mixing colors
Finding our treasures at the end of the rainbow.