Friday, September 26, 2014

Week 4: Transportation

I love to do crafts with the kids that they can take home and hold, but this week it was so fun to do some serious sensory activities.  Both activities were a huge hit!  The kids love playing at the water tables, and even though they get wet, no one seems to mind too much.  The first day I gave kids frozen "ice boats" that I had prepared that they were supposed to melt in the water table.  Inside the frozen boats was a car to play with once they melted all of the ice.  The other water table was a good race car track.

The next day we had a "boat washing station."  I gave everyone a foam boat with washable marker all over it that they were supposed to wash off their boats.  The only part leftover would be their name in permanent marker.  I also gave them some cars to wash in the soap, and some spoons.  The kids were enthralled for 25 minutes or so.  I will definitely repeat this activity.
Boat and car washing stations.

Frozen boats, with cars to uncover inside.  We decorated sails to attach.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Week 3: Transportation

We focused on airplanes this week.  I showed them a model toy plane and explained to them the different types of airplanes and flying devices, like a Jumbo Jet and glider.  Many of the kids have been on airplanes before.  We also did an airplane craft each day.  We also played with paper airplanes outside, which was a big hit with the boys.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Week 2: Transportation

Our car ramp, used as one of our learning centers.
One activity we did was build a track on a ramp.
This week we spent time with trains and train tracks.  We love trains in our house.  Each day we had a chance to decorate a train track to take home.  Each child had a special decorating kit with markers, crayons, and stickers.  Hopefully the kids have tracks at home so they can add these to their collection, especially those little boys.  They just adored the trains and tracks.  We played with sidewalk chalk one day, and then spent time building a group train track down a ramp the other day.  What a fun week!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Week 1: Transportation

One day we used sponges to make stoplights.  The other day we used sponges to make cars.  We also played a game called "Red light, green light" after we spent some time looking at traffic signs.  It was an excellent start for the first week.  Everyone did really well who was starting preschool for the first time, and I noticed that each group has its own personality.  I think the Thursday group enjoys active group activities more, and the Tuesday group likes craft activities around the table more. We'll see how that changes.  The books were really good this week.  I could tell because the kids kept asking for more.
