I love to do crafts with the kids that they can take home and hold, but this week it was so fun to do some serious sensory activities. Both activities were a huge hit! The kids love playing at the water tables, and even though they get wet, no one seems to mind too much. The first day I gave kids frozen "ice boats" that I had prepared that they were supposed to melt in the water table. Inside the frozen boats was a car to play with once they melted all of the ice. The other water table was a good race car track.
The next day we had a "boat washing station." I gave everyone a foam boat with washable marker all over it that they were supposed to wash off their boats. The only part leftover would be their name in permanent marker. I also gave them some cars to wash in the soap, and some spoons. The kids were enthralled for 25 minutes or so. I will definitely repeat this activity.
Boat and car washing stations. |
Frozen boats, with cars to uncover inside. We decorated sails to attach. |